Thursday, December 27, 2007



Tuesday, December 18, 2007


MED announced yesterday the addition of two penthouse untis to Paker Flats. This set off a firestorm of emails last night. Its has been confirmed that they are going on the roof, so what ever plans we had up there are over.
Take a very deep breath and then let it go. Someone with more money is always going trump what you or I want to do.
Cez't La Vie!
I'm taking comfort in the fact that MED has apparently done something right and the rendering at least looks awesome, it will definitely looks much better than the flat roof does and I like how its shape mimics the Convention Center a block away. Unsure of exactly what Post Modern is?
There you go, the design reflects and is sensitive to its environment.
If you have 750 large, there is still one available.

parker flats pent.jpg
Parker Flats penthouse


Parker Flats
Parker Flats


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Framing started on 5th floor

Construction of Parker Flats Cincinnati, Ohio
Construction of Parker Flats Cincinnati, Ohio


Monday, December 03, 2007

Construction of Parker Flats Cincinnati, Ohio
Construction of Parker Flats Cincinnati, Ohio


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