Monday, November 27, 2006

Parker Flats: will construction restart Wednesday?

Back on Nov 7, MED said "work should continue uninterrupted until the November 28th hearing"
I'm not sure what their definition of "uninterrupted" is, because they worked for maybe 2 days tops, but I hope no matter what happens at the hearing scheduled for November 28th that this Wednesday they will be working.

UPDATE: Everything has moved around so maybe they will restart construction Wednesday.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Parker Flats


Friday, November 17, 2006

Parker Flats: Again

The equipment is back, it looks like they mostly did some cleaning up but maybe this time they will stay and work for more than a few days.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Parker Flats: Construction started....and stopped

I was excited Tuesday evening to see construction equipment on site. I don't have much sunlight left when I get off work but Wednesday I rushed down there with my new camera and everything was gone. The hole is noticably deeper, but I have to think it would be expensive trucking heavy construction equipment in and out of downtown on a daily basis.


Monday, November 06, 2006

Parker Flats

Everyone has been interested in whats been going on construction wise. The were a few beams installed last Thursday but nothing has happened since.


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Parker Flats: Nothing happening yet

They said Tuesday, but it rained so I didn't expect to see much. The rain didn't start until late morning so I figured maybe they would have dropped off equipment but no, nothing. Nothing today either with a full day of sunshine.


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