Saturday, October 02, 2010

Bengals vs. Ravens

Yeah the Bengals won over a division rival and people were not so much happy or proud of the win but more relieved the Bengals didn't lose. At least that's how it felt, like a funeral that isn't your own basically.
But hey, at least everyone got some good tailgating in.
Bengals vs Ravens
Bengals vs Ravens
Bengals vs Ravens
Bengals vs Ravens
Bengals vs Ravens

I scheduled a flyover of the tweetdeck to kick off our tailgate, yours seems just a little lame now doesn't it?
Bengals vs Ravens
Bengals vs Ravens

look at that body posture, its not like we lost or anything
Bengals vs Ravens
Bengals vs Ravens

there we go, a little emotion.
not sure if it counts though since I know him.
Bengals vs Ravens
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