Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Watch This

Watch This, if somehow you haven't heard, is watching all AFIs top 100 films this year. Last week we hosted #52 From Here to Eternity. Made in 1953 somehow I thought the time frame after WWII and it made sense in that context. Containing some heavy hitters of acting it was interesting just how poor that acting was, everyone was punching the time card and collecting a paycheck I guess. Except for Frank Sinatra playing a, wait for it, stereotypical Italian. Well, if it was typecasting it worked, the screen seemed to light up a little when he was on.
One thing I want to know, why is everyone in these old movies so angry? No one can ask a simple question with raising hackles and sparking a confrontation.
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A Reds game, take notes, this will play a pivotal role later on.
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The Al & Al show giving us the lead in to the movie.
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Three separate stories seemed to be going on, took a while to wrap my head around the fact there was no lead actor, all these loves stories and plot lines shuffling down the path until, they cut to a sunrise over Pearl Harbor.
OH, this is 1941, not the 50's. Wow, what a bummer, wonder what watching this movie was like in 1953 only 12 yrs removed from the fact?
Anyhow everyone's world ends as the Japanese begin to bomb.
And on cue, the Reds win, fireworks!
The whole sky behind the TV is lit up with flashes, echoing the bombs in the movie. It was just a little surreal and absolutely amazing.
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