Monday, September 06, 2010

Parker Flats

The Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments was on the roof shooting video to put together an information piece to educate area leaders and people on the replacement bridge.
I have a better idea for reducing congestion on the bridge, put a toll on it, if people really want and need it they should be willing to pay for it right? And don't give me any crap on we need it for the economy, the study they did showed for every dollar invested in the bridge it will return $0.28 in benefit. Now they way I figure it the streetcar is going to return $2.78 and the CAVE* men say thats a boondoggle, and its gonna have a return 9 times better than the bridge so how much of a waste is the bridge to nowhere?
It was kind of interesting watching everything go by, can't believe I didn't get the camera up fast enough for the helicopter on the truck.
Parker Flats July 15
Parker Flats July 15
Parker Flats July 15
Parker Flats July 15
Parker Flats July 15

you could cut it with a knife
Parker Flats July 15

later on with all my yuppie free time and disposable income we were off to Soho for some sushi. You need the disposable income that only a McyD's hamburger flipper can earn to eat at Soho. Or so some people would have you believe.
Soho Sushi

Still trying to figure out if I eat wasabi for the sushi or sushi for the wasabi
Soho Sushi
Soho Sushi
Soho Sushi
Soho Sushi

Soho Sushi

nothing else to do? theres always something happening on the square.
Fountain Square

* Citizens Against Virtually Everything[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of CincinnatiTags:


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